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What to look forward for 2 0 1 8

❣ F R E S H s t a r t

Anew life to start meeting new people in my life, new company ,

new friends to hang out with,

to travel with and to cope up with.

Realizing that those past years, I've been stuck up with toxic people and now,

I've decided to let go of them, and move on!

❣ T R A V E L more

I like travelling so I am looking forward for the next places I'm going to step on.

❣ B L O G more stories

Having blog is really one of my most treasured activity and I love sharing stories while writing.

I am looking forward for more memoir to share to my readers and followers.

So keep posted guys!

❣ I S L A N D hopping to visit pls!

I've never hopped to several islands before,

so I am hoping to have this done this 2018 with the people who matters to me.

❣ K O R E A N drama to watch

Super addicted to Korean dramas, and after work, I would really watch various korean drama to feel more inspired.! hahah!

❣ C O O K sumptuous meals for my special someone and loved ones

Would love to cook meals to those people who are close to my heart.

❣ W E D D I N G appointments

Singing on weddings would be my favorite indeed and I am crossing my fingers for more weddings affiliations to attend to.

❣ A D V E N T U R E S

I just like to imagine to be swinging in zip lines , climbing mountains, hiking, camping overnight, sleep overs and so much more.

❣ H A P P I E R me

People who knew me personally say that I am such a cheerful lady and I agree to what they say.

I am hoping for a happier me to face everyday's challenges in life.

❣ G O O D health

I am praying for good health for myself and for the people who mean to me.

I can't imagine to be stuck in hospital again. Being healthy would enable me to do these I am looking forward to.

Some of those lists I am thinking of are kept as secret (ssshhhhh) Hhehehe!

To all my blog readers, I am wishing you well and safe all the time. God first and don't forget to pray through ups and downs.

Enjoy life and I hope you will be able to attain your wishes in life.

Ganbate! ~







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